After very successful seminars organised by the Homeopathic Association “Vithoulkas Bulgaria”, we are very happy we had our first webinar on 15th of June 2024!
We listened to very interesting lectures, i.e. “Interpretation of Laboratory Results” useful for our non medical students and very important for writing case reports; Whooping Cough and Scarlet Fever, including the respective homeopathic remedies; Case Taking and DD of Remedies for Grief.
The pearl of the webinar was the online meeting with our beloved teacher Prof. George Vithoulkas who answered our questions with great passion and dedication!
Thank you so much, dear Prof. Vithoulkas!
We were glad to welcome Dr. Atul Jaggi, Dr. Latika Jaggi, Dr. Tamara Kozymenko, Dr Natalia Kolomiiets, Dr Viraj Shah and the Coordinator of IACH in Croatia Ivana Bakovic.